Welcome to the blog!

My name is Joanne. Food is one of my passions. I love to eat so it was bound to happen. I haven’t always been in the food scene as I’m a dental hygienist by trade. However I’ve always loved cooking and experiencing new flavours.

Both my parents are Greek and migrated from the old country when they were young. They got married in Canada and then started a life and a family. Life growing up meant an unending supply of great home cooked food from hands that were full of love. For me home was always a place of warmth, comfort and the smell of good food.

Over the years I have collected recipes that are simple, delicious, quick and many times nostalgic of home cooked food by those loving hands.

My husband, the photographer, is from Trinidad and Tobago. We lived there for several years before returning to Canada. The experience of living in the Caribbean has shaped me as a person but also broadened my culinary scope.

So I hope you also enjoy some of the tried and tested recipes on the blog, coming from someone who genuinely enjoys good food and drink. And I hope that sharing these with you will inspire ideas in all of you in some delicious home cooking of your own.

Joanne Rappos